Upcoming exhibition - opens 16.2
Av natur
Hvordan påvirker vår tids klima- og naturkrise den kamerabaserte kunstens forhold til sitt motiv?
Preus museum is Norway's National Museum of Photography
The museum was founded in 1995 when the Norwegian Government bought the collections that belonged to Preus Fotomuseum, a private museum. The Norwegian State is the owner of the museum. In May 2001 the museum moved into Magasin A at Karljohansvern in Horten, about one hours drive from Oslo. The interior decoration is drawn by Architect Sverre Fehn. The collections contains photographies, ather kind of images, cameras and other technical equipment that shed light on the history of photography. There is a wide representation of the international history of photography in the image collection. Preus museum's library holds international standard.
Opening hours
Note! The museum is closed for exhibition mounting until 16 February.
Tuesday–Sunday 11–16
Jan - June / August - Dec
Wednesday–Friday 11–15
Saturday–Sunday 11–16
The museum has regular opening hours in autumn-, winter- and easterbreak
Kommandørkaptein Klincks vei 7
NO-3183 Horten
Elva lever
Kunstneren Gjert Rognli har et sterkt naturfokus. Bildet av en blodrød elv som renner gjennom landskapet, mens en sort fugl flyr gjennom skogen kan ifølge kuratoren Kjellaug Isaksen ses i forhold til Rognlis bakgrunn i det det sjøsamiske og den smerten den samiske befolkningen har blitt utsatt for som har ført til tap av historie og tradisjoner, og i mange tilfeller blitt fortrengt fra sitt eget landskap. Dette skjedde blant annet ved at man delte ut gratis land til nordmenn som ville bosette seg for eksempel i Finnmark.
A history of photography
The exhibition gives an acquaintance with the pre-photographic technologies where the idea of an image was created, then moves to the enormous breadth of experimentation and research that has led all the way to current digital images.