Photo conservation

Preus Museum's photographic conservator oversees our conservation and restoration work. In the main this is related to the museum's own extensive collection of photographic materials, technical photographic objects, and rare books related to photography. The conservator is also responsible for providing conservatorial assistance involving the museum's active exhibition and loaning initiatives.

Advisement and consulting services


Conservation personnel also provide services to private and governmental photo-storage institutions and to private individuals, via advising and assistance.


Seminars and workshops


In addition to such tasks, various seminars and workshops are arranged. Among other subjects these cover the following areas:


  • Identification of photographic techniques and digitally generated prints
  • Handling and storage of photographic materials
  • Restoration techniques
Training and internship residencies


The museum gladly accepts students in the field of conservation for training and internships


The Preus Museum conservation department offers the possibility of interships for students and collegues in the fields of conservation. 

Seminars and workshops

The Preus Museum's preservation studios offer different types of workshops and seminars.


Cosultancy services, photo conservation services and assistance from out photo conservator. 

Spørsmål og svar (FAQ)

Her kan du se om du finner svar på spørsmålet ditt.

Gjør du ikke det, send en epost til fotokonservatoren.


Our Photograph Concervator is often making surveys and reports, we will publish them here. Some of the reports are in Norwegian.

Hva gjør en fotokonservator?

Fotokonservering handler om arbeidet med å sørge for at kommende generasjoner får oppleve originale fotografier og fotografiske kunstverk.Nederst i artikkelen kan du se en film der fotoko...