Previous exhibitions

Over the Rainbow

Queer Culture Year 2022 
What kind of exhibition can we imagine that Marie Høeg and Bolette Berg themselves would have appreciated?

Marie & Bolette + Paulina

28.5. - 15.10.22
Marie & Bolette + Paulina
Utendørs utstilling

The Photographer

18.11.2021 - 24.4.2022
Focus on the roles and practices of Norwegian photographers from 1940 until the present

Slow Color Photography

An exploration of the remarkable and rare Lippmann-plates

Outdoor exhibition: Knut Egil Wang - Standstill

This year's festival exhibitor with summer exhibition
1.6 - 30.10.2021

Outdoor exhibition: My Sanctuary

Students at Horten college is exhbiting their Sanctuarity places during the time of Corona and Isolation.
16.6 - 15.10 2021


25.4.2021 - 17.10.2021
Utstillingen gir oss et innblikk i en virkelighet de færreste av oss kjenner til. Gjennom bilder og tekstfragmenter gir innsatte ved fem ulike fengsler i Norge oss et bilde av hvordan det er å være et menneske som lever i frihetsberøvelse.

Outdoor exhibition: Iconic images

13.6.2020 - 30.5.2021

Welcome to an outdoor exhibition that you can experience strolling around beautiful Karljohansvern!

Outdoor exhibition: The Workshop PLACE Bastøy Prison

25.6. - 4.10.2020  When confined in prison, how do people experience the term “place”? Explore pictures and texts created by inmates during a workshop held in Bastøy p...

Morten Krogvold

24.10.2020 - 5.4.2021
Hvis du ber noen nevne en norsk fotograf de kjenner til, er sannsynligheten stor for at de nevner Morten Krogvold. 40 år etter debututstillingen på Preus fotomuseum er han tilbake i Horten.

Portrait of our time

24.10.2020 - 5.4.2021
The portrait is everywhere, and part of a greater visual culture! The new Portrait Of Our Time exhibition at Preus Museum will present a selection of portraits from the last 15 years. It will be a showcase of how one of the oldest photographic genres is still very much alive and exploratory.

Edward S. Curtis: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

29.9.2019 - 06.09.2020
Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) was a hugely prolific photographer who in 1900 set out to document the traditional lives of American indigenous people. His work was rediscovered in the 1970s and is now synonymous with photographing American indigenous.

The world in 3D

Although photographs are two-dimensional in their form and lack the third dimension, namely the sense of depth, several different techniques for achieving such a sense of depth have been developed over the years.

Remembrance of Swings Past

18.08.2019 - 05.01.2020
Footprints in the sand. A really special place behind a rock. The hollow space beneath a table. A creaky swing. What is it that five-year-olds will remember from their life in the early childhood centre?


07.04. - 08.09.2019

In a period of war and conflict, several female photographers were active in the public sphere. The exhibition offers new unknown images from some that were forgotten.

Lee Miller

07.04. - 08.09.2019

The muse of the surrealists, model, war correspondent, fashion photographer - Lee Miller's life and work is like taken from a movie

Rune Eraker

23.09.2018 - 17.03.2019

What does the impact of climate change look like? Who feels the results of our exploitation of the planet we all live on?

Edward Burtynsky

23.09.2018 - 17.03.2019

Since the beginning of his thirty-years career, Edward Burtynsky has always centered his objective in the effects of human intervention on nature.

Lola Álvarez Bravo

18.03.2018 - 02.09.2018

Lola Álvarez Bravo took advantage of a wind of artistic freedom to unfold after the revolution in 1910 to -20 in Mexico.

Alinka Echeverría

18.03.2018 - 02.09.2018

The project shows devout Mexican pilgrims carrying their personal image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the anniversary of her apparition in 1531.

Bending the Frame

15.10.2017 - 04.03.2018

How can images make a difference? Can photography tell us something new or something different about the world we live in?