Previous exhibitions
The Young Lions
The present exhibition celebrates the fortieth anniversary of Fotogalleriet, the Oslo-based gallery that has been at the forefront of establishing photography as an artistic medium in Norway.
#Dysturb - outdoor paste-up exhibition in Horten
#Dysturb presents photo journalism in a new and innovative way, completely independent from the restrictions of conventional news publishing channels. #Dysturb is an international gr...
We constantly mirror ourselves, comparing ourselves to others. At the same time, becoming familiar with oneself is an important part of the process of maturing into an independent individual in community with others.
From Vision Machines to Instagram
New digital media deluge us with a stream of images that threaten to wipe away all differences along with awareness of what a photograph is and can be. At exactly such a point, the histories of the meaning of photography in most fields become especially important and worth telling.
A History of Photography
Get an insight into the rich history of photography! The exhibition gives an acquaintance with the pre-photographic technologies where the idea of an image was created, then moves to the enormous breadth of experimentation and research that has led all the way to current digital images.
Edvard Munch/Experiments
Edvard Munch is Norway's most famous artist. He painted, drew, created graphics and photographed. In everything he did, we see his experimental way of working.
Variable Stars
In her work Toril Johannessen (b. 1978) takes inspiration from fields such as philosophy, science, the history of technology, and the history of photography. Her many varied forms of expression share a basic curiosity about how our conception of the world is created.
For the Sake of Colour
In her work Vilde Salhus Røed (b. 1981) frequently employs photography in conjunction with text and sculptural objects.
Wall of Fame
One wall was dedicated to famous phtographers in the exhibition The History of Photography. Every third month there was a new photographer.
The History of Space Photography
This exhibition reveals the fantastic variety of outer-space photography from the early 1800s until today.
Ernest Cole - Photographer
Ernest Cole Photographer brings together 113 original, extremely rare black-and-white silver gelatin prints from Cole’s stunning archive, now housed at the Hasselblad Foundation, which toured the exhibition across South Africa in 2010-11.
Margaret Bourke-White
Utstillingen fordyper seg i arbeidet til denne unike fotografen som så en lukket dør som noe tiltalende, og som utrettelig forberedte nye historier. Utstillingen fokuserer spesielt på arb...
In her time Elisabeth Meyer (1899-1968) was a well-known journalist and photographer, but after her death she was forgotten.
Nick Brandt
Nick Brandt – portrettfotografen med et hjerte for Øst-Afrikas utrydningstruede dyr.Med den storslagne afrikanske naturen som bakgrunn, og med elefanter, løver og giraffer som motiv, gjør...
Bodies, Borders, Crossings
Utstillingen Bodies, Borders, Crossings presenterer ti finske samtidskunstnere som arbeider med fotografi og video. Utstillingen utforsker temaer som grenser i en globalisert verden og kr...
Kvinnelig stemmerett - 100 år
Å presentere Marie Høeg i forbindelse med 100 års jubileet for kvinners stemmerett er en selvfølge. Hun var aktiv kvinnesakskvinne og fikk betydning både her i Horten og nasjonalt.
1800-Tallets landskap
1800-tallets landskap viser hvordan landskapet ble sett på i en periode med romantisk blikk og nasjonal oppvåkning i norsk historie.
Norsk landskap 1987
Presentasjon av et kunstprosjekt gjort av fire fotografer for 25 år siden: Per Berntsen, Jens Hauge, Johan Sandborg og Siggen Stinessen.
Andrzej Maciejewski: Weather Report
Utstillingen Weather Report viser 36 fotografiet fra same sted, tatt under ulike værforhold over en periode på ett år.
Drømmen om det perfekte bildet
Sommerutstillingen 2012 ved Preus Museum er viet Norsk Selskap for Fotografi (NSFF) i forbindelse med selskapets 85 års jubileum.
Motefotografi - tradisjon og nyskapning
Utstillingen har to fokuspunkter: et blikk på hva som har foregått i Skandinavia de senere årene, og et tilbakeblikk på motefotografiets utvikling.
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