Photography Day 2015
Photography day 2015 was held Sunday 23th of August 12-17.
Every year on a Sunday at the end of August, a day-long celebration of photography takes place at Karljohansvern in Horten. Preus Museum works with Norwegian photography organizations to create a day that reveals the broad range of photography. Free entrance!
What is Photography Day?
The goal of Photography Day is to further understanding and communication among the various practitioners and circumstances of photography in Norway, and to foster productive encounters.
The arrangements involve cooperation between Preus Museum and several major Norwegian photography organizations.
Photography is in focus, and Photography Day seeks to illuminate its broad range and give opportunities to experience it deeply. Amateurs and professionals alike will find something interesting that contributes to inspiration and new knowledge.
Flick through the programme:
What can I experience on Photography Day?
This year's theme is "Power and democracy" is obtained from the Anniversary exhibition.
""Have you ever considered the photography's importance for democracy? By the turn of the 20th century, photographs could be printed alongside text, with telephotography a reality a little later. Photography is thus one of the most important tools in the struggle to communicate "true" accounts from our world, to make visible minorities and injustice, but it can also contribute to propaganda and abuse of power"
The celebration includes many photographic exhibitions, with Festival Exhibitors and the Juried Exhibition receiving greatest prominence.
Each year a Festival Exhibitor is invited who can effectively shed light on the year's theme. The exhibitor shows 12 large photographs in an outdoor exhibition and also gives a lecture.
Festival exhibitor
The documentary photographer Linda Bournane Engelberth has followed the Roma in Norway and Romania through her documentary project «You can call me a gypsie if you want to». Bournane Engelberth gained an unusual degree of access to a relatively closed community that does not ordinarily welcome outsiders.

© Linda Bournane Engelberth
Read more about the festival exhibitor.
The juried exhibition
is a giant collective effort in which amateurs and professionals submit works between March and May. A jury goes through the submissions and selects ca. 50 photographs which are shown in the large outdoor exhibition. On Photography Day the exhibitors gather with the pictures and hang them in assigned places. The exhibition demonstrates many modes of expression in photography.
Exhibitors 2015
Adrian Larisz, Aina Cecilie Hole, Anna Nowogrodzka, Arild Våge Berge, Artur Pardo, Bjørgulf Brevik, Brian Cliff Olguin, Brigitte Stolpmann, Camilla Lanton, Cesilie Irene Steinaa, Charlotte Støle, Christine Heim, Ellen Cecilie Fleischer, Erik Kristensen, Eva Rose Furmyr, Hans Ertzeid Mathisen, Harald K. Andersen, Isabelle Bacher, Jan Egil Sandstad, Jarle Kvam, Jorunn Jensen, Julie Loen, Kai Tormod Hansen, Kirsti Hegre Backman, Knut-Inge Johnsen, Kristin David-Andersen Øveraas, Kristin Moe Kyllingstad, Kristin Risa, Kristine Norlander, Lucas Machado, Mariann Nikolaisen, Marianne Brøtan, Marianne Demmo, Marilyn Ann Owens, Michael Wurstbauer, Oda Alida Bjørke, Ole Christian Eklund, Paddywax Design, Raina Vlaskovska, Raymond Engmark, Raymond Næss Berg, Roald Synnevåg, Russell Jacobsen, Savini Aspholt, Sofie Sund, Susanne K Johansen, Terje Johansen, Toril Bakke, Trond R. Tunheim, Wenche Engebrethsen.
Check out how to apply - there will be new possibilities next year!

Mounting of the juried exhibition 2014 (photo: Andreas Harvik/Preus museum)
Exciting and interesting lecturers give new perspectives on the year's theme. The Festival Exhibitor is always one of the lecturers.
In addition the museum staff gives a behind-the-scenes look via lectures and shows from the collection.
Activities for large and small
A whole host of activities await you: classes, workshops and competitions, a portrait studio, theater presentations, used-equipment sales, picnics, music, food, and much more.

Dress up in the portrait studio! (photo: Astrid Roberg/Preus museum)
Instagramphotos tagged #fotografietsdag2015:

Photography Day 2014 (photo: Andreas Harvik/Preus museum)
Call for entries
Would you like to exhibit your photos on Photography Day? Whether you are an amateur or professional, artistic or commercial photographer, you are welcome to submit your photos.
The deadline for submission is 27 May 2015.
Photography Day is a festive day for the whole family, with exhibitions, lectures and activities for all; families, professionals, artists and amateurs. The event takes place both outdoors and indoors. The main attraction on Photography Day is the big outdoor exhibition.
You are invited to submit photos to the juried exhibition. You can submit up to ten images, and you are free to select your subject. The photos should display a thematic connection even if they are not necessarily a series.
The images are selected by a jury of experts who look for images with visual quality. The jury is free to choose the images to be displayed. Employees by Preus museum can not participate in the exhibition.
The selected photographers will get confirmation of the participation in June. The jury will award the most interesting contributions. The three winners will be announced on Photography Day August 23.
On Photography Day on August 23, the photographers/exhibitors will mount the photographs themselves at the outdoor venue. The pictures should be mounted without unframed.
Photography Day is organized by Preus Museum in collaboration with the The Norwegian Association of Fine Art Photographers, The Association of the Institution Photographers, the Norwegian Society for Photography, the Norwegian Advertising Photographers, the Press Photographers, the Norwegian Nature Photographers, the Norwegian Photographer’s Association and the Norwegian Photo Historical Society.
• Please register by sclicking the blue button. You will gain access to "My page" and your account is registered. It will be available until the deadline on May 27. You will be able to add, delete and edit your images and your information until the deadline. After May 27 youwill be able to see your images, but no longer edit them.
• Select up to 10 pictures.
• Each of the digital files should have a minimum size of 1MB and a maximum size of 2MB and should be stored in JPEG format. Name each JPEG file with your name (name_surname) and number them (1, 2, 3). Example: ''olsen_gry1 " '' Olsen_gry2'', etc.
• Optional: Upload a project description, max 200 words
• Optional: Upload your CV
• The deadline is May 27 2015.

Juried exhibition. (Photo: Andreas Harvik/Preus museum)
The walls of the juried exhibition are 120x150 cm, and each photographer mounts his/her images within this area.