Juried Exhibition 2017

Juried Exhibition 2016 (photo: Astrid Roberg/Preus museum)
We proudly present the 50 exhibitors selected for the annual Juried Exhibition on the Day of Photography2017! The exhibition is open Sunday, August 20, 12-17.
In an outdoor pop-up photo-gallery-street, you can experience the pictures of the following participants:
Alan Eric Carter, Anders Jørgensen, Anders Riise, Andrés Vargas, Bjørnar Hauge, Britt Borge Bollerud, Cesilie Irene Steinaa, Elin Fjelldal, Elisabeth Figenschou Jølstad, Ellen Cecilie Fleischer, Erling Halvorsen, Geir Bakken, Geir Fløde, Gry Cecilie Spro, Hans Ertzeid Mathisen, Harald K Andersen, Helge Lund, Helle Siljeholm, Hilde Charlotte Blomberg, Hilde Jordbruen, Haakon Sand, Ingrid Time, Ingun Fosli, Isabel Sancho, Ivar Johansen, Jørn Brunæs, Katarzyna Wronska, Katrine Celius, Kristin Moe Kyllingstad, Kristin Westby, Lisbet Svensson Schau, Marianne Jenack, Mehdi Estabraghi, Merethe Ruud, Mette Berg, Nanco Hoogstad, Nancy Bundt, Nina Jonsson, Pierre Chaton, Pål Dybwik, Roger Lauritzen, Russell Jacobsen, Svein Westerheim, Svenn Ivar Bjørkavåg, Tina Erland Tollaksen, Tom Lund, Tone Kråkenes, Trine Kolstad Vegem, Yina Chan and Aase Marie Dahle

Juryert utstilling på Fotografiets dag 2015 (foto: Andreas Harvik/Preus museum)
The participants exhibiting submitted their contributions to a jury (read details about the process here). Over 100 contributions were thoroughly considered by a jury consisting of representatives from the organizations working together on the Day of Photography:
- Jan Erik Bamrud from Norsk Selskap For Fotografi(Photographic Society of Norway)
- Pål Henrik Ekern from Forbundet Frie Fotografer (The Norwegian Association for Fine Art Photographers)
- Arthur Sand from Norsk fotohistorisk forening – Preus museums venner(Norwegian foundation for the history of photography - friends of Preus museum)
- Erik Skjøldt fra Norges Fotografforbund(Norwegian Association of Photographers)
- Borgny Helnes fra Biofoto
- Ingrid Nilsson fra Preus museum
The photographers will come and hang the exhibition on Sunday, August 20th. The exhibition can be enjoyed in open air, and the photographers will be available most of the day if you have questions or comments about their work.
At 16:00 all the participating photographers are called up to the stage for the price ceremony. There will be prizes awarded to 1. - 3. place, an audience award and a honorable mentions.
The prizes are sponsored by Japan Photo

The Day of Photography is organized this year on both Saturday and Sunday 19th-20th of August in collaboration with Horten Food & Beer Festival.
The juried exhibition is open on Sunday, August 20th, 12-17.
Entrance fee: 100, - (children free)