Portfolio reviewing

Portfolioreview in the Preus museum library, 2009 (photo: Arne B. Langleite/Preus museum)
The Portfolio review is back on the Photography Day!
n cooperation with samarbeid med foto.no, Preus museum organizes a portfolio review for photographers and camera based artists. The portfolio review aims to broaden networks between photographers and the trade industry and offer photographers an opportunity for advice and feedback on their work. Photographers are invited to show their portfolio to a panel of reviewers with varied background and extensive expertise in the field of photography.
The Photography Day Portfolio Review takes place in the library of Preus museum Saturday 19th of August 10.00-15.00.
The panel consists of 6 reviewers. Each photographers meets with 4 different reviewers for a 20 minute portfolio review and feedback session.
Please find the presentations of the reviewers here.
10.30 – 12.30 Portfolio reviwing part I
12.30 – 14.10 Break
14.10 – 16.10 Portfolio reviwing part II
During the day, there will also be rich opportunities in participating in some of the activities on the festival area – lectures, outdoor exhibitions, concerts, photo related activities and food.
Register by 3rd July 2017!
How to do:
Register by e-mail to fotografietsdag@preusmuseum.no by 7th of July. Subject: Portfolio review.
Please enter in e-mail:
- Name
- Phone number
- Either a link to your web page and/or a digital pdf portfolio or up to 5 jpgs max 1 MB each
You will be announced by July 7th
If you're invited to attend:
The fee is NOK 1000 for 4 meetings. Registration is binding.
You will receive an e-mail where you will be given the opportunity to book reviewers in prioritized order.
We welcome your application!
Preus museum is Norway’s national museum of photography. With a collection covering all aspects of the history of photography, Preus museum offers visitors many exciting experiences within the expanded field of photography: from the earliest technical and scientific experiments to contemporary photographic art that has pushed back the boundaries of what a photograph can be.
Preus museum has two galleries with contemporary exhibitions, a basis exhibition, a specialist library of international standard and a centre for photo conservation that offers the highest standards of expertise in the treatment and conservation of photographic materials.
Foto.no was established in 1996 and is largest editorial website for both professional and amateur photographers in Norway with over 100.000 members. In 2016 they took the next step and expanded with a flagship store in the Barcode area in Oslo where they sell camera equipment and arrange photography related events and workshops. The people behind foto.no are passionate about photography and has extensive and varied experience from working within the field.
The Day of Photography is organized by Preus museum in collaboration with the photographic organizations in Norway. The project takes part in Preus museum’s work to make a broader contact with photographers and amateurs of photography.
Subject to change
Reviewere Fotografiets dag 2017
- Jens Friis, DK
- Lasse Lindkvist, SE
- Ingrid Nilsson, NO
- Pål Otnes, NO
- Tiina Rauhala, FI
- #Dysturb: Benjamin Girette, Pierre Terdjman, FR
- Roger Brendhagen, NO
Jens Friis (DK)
![]() Independent curator, photo historian and publisher/editor of KATALOG – Journal of Photography & Video. Jens Friis has a MA in History of Art and specialized in photography. He has previously been an active member of Gallery Image in Aarhus and for a number of years he worked in a commercial gallery, Hamiltons, in London selling photographic art. From 2003-2016, he was curator in charge of the photographic collection at Museet for Fotokunst in Odense as well as the artistic co-director of the Danish photo festival FotoTriennale.dk initiated by same museum. In the same period he was also the editor-in-chief of the magazine KATALOG – Journal of Photography & Video supported and published by the museum. Now in its 28th successful year, KATALOG is published by Jens Friis independently since 2015. As an author, he has written numerous articles for the magazine. He has also contributed to the book Dansk Fotografihistorie [Danish Photographic History] published in 2004 and the chapter on Danish photography in the third volume of The History of European Photography 1970-2000 published in 2016. He is serving on several international nominating committees for awards as well as the advisory committee of the Spanish magazine EXIT. Jens Friis is interested in all shapes of photography and visual media arts. He will discuss your work and might give you advice on how to develop as an artist. He may facilitate publication in the magazine KATALOG and participation in group-exhibitions.
Lasse Lindkvist (SE)
![]() Utbildad på Konstfack (Stockholm) i början av -90-talet, sedan dess verksam som fotograf/konstnär och pedagog. Lektor i fotografi vid GBG universitet/Akademin Valand, ansvarig huvudhandledare för åk 3 samt examinator för det internationella masterprogrammet i fotografi. Lindkvist har ett djupt intresse för fotografi och kanske främst dess sociala och psykologiska aspekter samt dess materialitet i rummet. Arbetar för närvarande analogt med en serie konceptuella och platsspecifika stilleben och porträtt.
Ingrid Nilsson (NO)![]() Ingrid Nilsson er direktør for Preus museum siden 2009. Nilsson er kulturviter og fotograf med 20 års erfaring innen svensk museumsarbeid med hovedvekt på kulturhistorisk fotografi. Hun har i løpet av de siste ti årene ledet flere enheter ved Malmø Museer, innenfor dokumentasjon generelt, og innenfor kulturhistorisk fotografi. Nilsson er utdannet fotograf og har utdannelse fra universitetene i Lund og Gøteborg innen kulturkommunikasjon, historie, kunstvitenskap, humanøkologisk dokumentasjon og faget Fotografi og dokumentasjon.
Pål Otnes (NO)
![]() Pål Otnes er partner og redaktør for bøker og digitale medier på Forlaget Fotografi. Han er utdannet ved NTNU i Trondheim hvor han begynte sin karriere som fotograf og skribent i studentavisen, og har over 20 års erfaring med tidsskriftproduksjon, fotografi og tekstarbeid. Han har vært tilknyttet bladet Fotografi siden 2006 og var redaktør og ansvarlig for den grafiske og redaksjonelle omleggingen av tidsskriftet i 2012.
Nå har han stillingen som redaktør for bøker og digitale medier på Forlaget Fotografi og leder fra og med 2017 nysatsningen på fotobøker i forlaget. Han er forøvrig med i fotofestivalen Nordic Lights Creative Board. |
Tiina Rauhala (FI)
![]() Tiina Rauhala (b.1980) works as Chief Curator at The Finnish Museum of Photography (Helsinki). The museum is one of the leading and oldest photography museum’s in Europe. Through exhibitions, collection management and research, the museum strives to promote and foster photographic art and culture in Finland. Rauhala has a long career at the museum, starting as a curator in 2008.
The museum’s exhibitions cover Finnish and international contemporary photography, as well as the diverse history of the craft. Along with the museum’s main exhibitions Rauhala has been responsible for the museum gallery’s program for the emerging photographers. More about the museum
Rauhala is also co-founder of The Festival of Political Photography, which examines ways of influencing with photographs and seeks to define what the word ‘political’ means in contemporary photographic practices. The Festival had its first exhibition in 2015. More about the festival
#Dysturb: Benjamin Girette, Benjamin Petit (FR)#Dysturb is a network of photojournalists driven by the desire to make visual information freely accessible to a wider audience by pasting large images in city streets. #Dysturb presents photojournalism in a new, innovative way, completely independent from the restrictions of conventional news publishing channels. We believe in arming our youth with the tools to further understand the images and information they see every day, with interventions in streets, schools and online.
#Dysturb has pasted more than 500 posters in 40 cities and schools around the world. #Dysturb pairs each street paste-up with an online counterpart, creating an extensive gallery of current photojournalism for the public to access. Our online platforms foster conversation and allow us to collaborate with professionals in a range of fields, emphasizing the variety of approaches in which a topic is represented whilst heightening impact, accessibility and accuracy within stories. Benjamin Petit (FR)![]() Benjamin Petit is a French documentary photographer based in New York and the co-director of #Dysturb, a nonprofit formed by photojournalists making visual information freely accessible to a wider audience by pasting large images in city streets. His documentary work focuses on social inequality and climate change related issues. Benjamin Petit is a Fulbright scholar. His photographs have been published in The New York Times, Stern, Days Japan, Le Figaro and Paris Match among other publications. Benjamin Girette (FR)![]() Benjamin Girette is one of the two founders of #Dysturb. He is a photojournalist based in Paris. In 2008, he launched with Guillaume Poulet Mathis the project «24hoursinEurope» a documentary work involving 40 countries and photojournalists. In 2011, he joined IP3 Press agency, and since then has been covering both national and international news stories. His reports include the fall of President Ben Ali in Tunisia, illegal immigration in Italy, the Indignados movement in Spain and the fall of Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi in Egypt. One of his most recent reports was on the uprising in Ukraine, in Kiev. His photos have been published in French and international newspapers and magazines.
Roger Brendhagen![]()
Roger Brendhagen is a Norwegian nature photographer born in 1968. Roger has long experience as a nature photographer and has the whole world as a workplace. He is among others Affiliated with WWF and Nikon. In recent years he has had up to 250 travel days a year. He claims finding the same pleasure in photographing a common bird in a Norwegian landscape, as meeting an emu in Australia. When Roger is not out, he is often found at Dovrefjell - which is his second home. Here he is doing a book project about musk oxes and mountain foxes. Where most people backs off, Roger closes in with his macro lens. Roger also has long experience as a lecturer and does workshops and courses in macro and nature photography. |