Photography day 2010

Publikum på Fotografiets dag 2010 hører på Leif Preus åpningstale (foto: Arne B. Langleite/Preus museum)
Photography day 2010 had the portrait photography as its theme
Sunday August 28th 12-18
Portrait photography
Festival exhibitor:
Agnete Brun
Agnete Brun, Anne Braybon, Sidsel Mørck and Leif Preus
Juried exhibitors:
Anders Ekeberg Nymark, Anette Nordskog, Anne Kari Berg, Anne Lene Skotterud, Anne Strand, August Valentin, Bente Agerup, Bernt L. Nielsen, Bjørgulf Brevik, Bjørnar Hauge, Brigitte Stolpmann, Charlotte Van Nexmark, Chris Harrison, Christina Nelson, Christine Hammer, Edward Dahl, Eli Reinholdtsen, Eli Roaldseth, Elisabeth Poulsen Gruben, Julia Skorupska, Julie Loen, June Witzøe, Kamilla Skrinde, Kirsti Grotmol, Kristine Støeng, Laura Amelia Zdunek, Line Schibstad, Liv Øverland Kornerud, Liz Palm, Magne Versland, Mamta B. Herland, Matthew Thomas and Ina Tyrdal, Marte Christensen, Mathilde Pettersen, Merethe Flakstad Johnsen, Myriam H. Bjerkli, Nina Staff, Pia Evensen, Raymond Alv K. Egge, Sébastian Dahl, Siw Riise, Sølvi Strand, Tor-Arne Riksheim, Torkil Færø
Invited exhibitors:
Jason Havneraas (FFF), Tonje Kornelie (NRF), Atle Garmann (NSFF), Pål Hermansen (NN), Jens Haugen (NFF), Øivind Möller Bakken (IFF)
Summer exhibition at Preus museum:
Robert Adams – Hasselblad Award 2009
Please find the programme and read more about the Photography day 2010