Photography Day 2013

Photography day 2013 (photo: The festival exhibitors/Preus museum)
Photography day 2013 was a beautiful day with 1200 visitors that experienced a wide variety of exhibitions, talks, guided tours and different activities in the wondeful weather.
Sunday Augst 25th 12-18

Publikum på Fotografiets dag 2013 (foto: Andreas Harvik/Preus museum)
Photography day 2013 was themed social photography - exhibitors and lecturers familiarized us with the phenomenon.
The brochure (in Norwegian only)
Festival exhibitors:
This year, there were twelve festival exhibitors. The exhibitors were chosen among active photographers on the social photo sharing service Instagram. They show some of the diversity out there, from the minimalistic aestethic to the flourishing colourful, from visual experiments to personal diary notes.
Get to know the festival exhibitors from 2013 here (click the links):
• @awaissultan (Awais Sultan)
• @holmberg__ (Tonje Holmberg)
• @idafrosk (Ida Skivenes)
• @janove(Jan Ove Iversen)
• @jennymragnhild (Jenny Andersen)
• @kristoffer71 (Kristoffer Eliassen)
• @martineick (Martin Luca Eick)
• @missanmo (Anca Moseng)
• @pikekyss (Elisabet Nyhagen)
• @sandracbt (Sandra Taranrød)
• @sofiesund (Sofie Sund)
• @stereosaint (Morgan Sikkerbøl)
See the visitor's own images from #fotografietsdag2013 (Photography day 2013) on Instagram!
Juried exhibition
Adrian Bugge, Anders Bisgaard, Andreas Helland, Andrés Vargas, Anette Asbjørnrød, Beate Winther, Ben Rains, Caroline Roka, Dag Ahlgren Smitt, Erik Sæter Jørgensen, Essi Frydenlund, Geir Kristiansen, Geir Tønnesen, Hebe Camilla Wathne, Hedvig Biong, Helene Gulaker Hansen, Isabel Sancho, John Terje Pedersen, Jørgen Berge, Jørn Hagen, Kenneth Jensen, Kjetil Andersen, Klaudia Lech, Klaus Skrudland, Knut Nordhagen, Kristin Bengtson Hagen, Kristin Holmefjord, Kristine Grav Hardeberg, Kristine Norlander, Laila Nygård, Lasse Jacobsen, Maciej Ciara, Mari Lorentsen, Maria Gossé, Marit Silsand, Marius Hauge, Milla Mikalsen, Norbert Lümmen, Ole Marius Jørgensen, Oscar Axmon, Pierre Chaton, Ragnhild Nøst Bergem, Roald Synnevåg, Signe Christine Urdal, Sonia Laan, Terje Abusdal, Tonje Kornelie, Tor Simen Ulstein, Trine Stephensen, Øistein Sæthren Dahle
Awards 2013
Winner of the juried exhibition: Terje Abusdal, with his series "Bjørneslakteren" (The Bear Butcher).
The second prize: Milla Mikalsen with the series "Post 2".
The third prize: Hebe Camilla Wathne with the series "Lyden av lys" (The Sound of Light).
The audience prize: Kjetil Skårdal Andersen for the series "St. Joseph søstrene på Grefsen (The St. Joseph Sisters at Grefsen).
More exhibtions on Photography day:
Invited photographers:
Ernst Furuhatt (IFF)
Audun Nygaard (NSFF)
Norsk Selskap for Fotografi/NSFF organized several exhibitions
Eivind Preus opened a pop-up exhibition with his private Bob Dylan collection. The collection had never before been shown publicly, and included photographers like Anton Corbijn, Joachim Strömholm and Tom Martinsen.
Inside the Preus museum:
The marvellous summer exhibition Nick Brandt - On This Earth, A Shadow Falls
Museets faste utstilling med skatter fra samlingen En fotohistorie
"A place to share" - Panel discussion with the festival exhibitors. Moderator: Morten Løberg
Lin Prøitz - Instagram and the limits of the social photography, with live instafeed.
Risto Sarvas - From disappearing photos to the abundance of digital media: The changing picture of domestic photography.
Other talks during Photography day:
Wlodek Witek, National Library: Light images on paper: H.T. Winther's photographical inventions from the 1840s in practise.
Preus museum's photo conservator Jens Gold: The hidden image.
Hanne Holm-Johnsen, curator and and responsible for the photography collection at Preus Museum: Great grandmother's secrets - how to decipher her carte-de-visite.
Photography day is organized by Preus museum in cooperation with the Norwegian photagraphy organizations:
Norges Fotografforbund (NFF)
Forbundet Frie Fotografer (FFF)
Institusjonsfotografenes Forening (IFF)
Norsk Selskap for Fotografi (NSFF)
Norske Reklamefotografer (NRF)
Norsk Fotohistorisk Forening – Preus museums venner (NFHF-PMV)
Photography day was supported by Fritt Ord

Preus Pro Lab supprorted and produced the festival exhibitor's images.