The Juried exhibition

Juried exhibition 2019 (photo: Tommy Skaug)
The submission to this year's Juried exhibition was international, and an incredible 605 entries were received with a theme that has occupied and gathered people all over the globe: how have we coped with the corona pandemic? How can the experience and feelings be interpreted in pictures? We have received very personal stories, and stories that are more universal. We can promise you an exciting and redemptive exhibition on Photography Day on August 28, with views from all over the world!
The exhibitors are:
- Dina Alfasi (IL)
- K. Linnea Backe (NO)
- Sophie Barbasch (US)
- Rebecca Bowring (CH)
- Bjørgulf Brevik (NO)
- Enda Burke (IE)
- Annalaura Cattelan (IT)
- Espen Dahl (NO)
- Tiziano Demuro (IT)
- Ana Di Berardo (BR)
- Natalia Ershova (RU)
- Andrew Esiebo (NG)
- Alessio Mattia Ferrara (DE)
- Christine Flesvig (NO)
- Michael Fung (UK)
- Elisabeth Gausemel (NO)
- Per Ole Hagen (NO)
- Stig Arne Hasti Heltorp (NO)
- Susanne Hætta (NO)
- Christopher Iduma (NG)
- Mattias Johansson (SE)
- Knut Rune Johansson (NO)
- Reto Klar (DE)
- Jorun Larsen (NO)
- Sofia Lopez Mañan (AR)
- Marta Anna Løvberg (NO)
- Gabriela Matoso (BR)
- Grethe Moen Johansen (NO)
- Karim Mottaghi (IR)
- Mona Myklebust (NO)
- Kristine Nyborg (CA)
- Leonardo Perugini (IT)
- Paolo Quadrini (IT)
- Kristin Rosmo (NO)
- Pål Rygh (NO)
- Farzam Saleh (IR)
- Målfrid Sand (NO)
- Sonja Siltala (NO)
- Helge Skodvin (NO)
- Charlotte Skomsøy (NO)
- Fabrizio Spucches (IT)
- Mirjam Stenevik (NO)
- Lars Svenkerud (NO)
- Diana Takacsova (SK)
- Ingrid Time (NO)
- Charlotte Tjomsland (NO)
- Mehrdad Vahed (IR)
- Malene Kristopine Økland (NO)
The photographers who are domiciled in Norway come with their own photos and mount them in a designated place inside the Artilleriverkstedet. During the day they will be present and talk to the audience. Exhibitors from abroad will be present only throgh their photos.
At the award ceremony (which will also be streamed), three winners and four honorable mentions will be awarded.
Stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram for presentations of the photographers during the summer.
The jury
The jury consisted of representatives from the organizations that collaborate on Photography Day:
- Zofia Cielatkowska from Forbundet Frie Fotografer (The national organization for photographers and camera based artists)
- Kristin Aasbø and Pål Henrik Ekern from the Preus Museum
- Pål Hermansen from Norwegian Nature Photographers
What winners receive
Selected artists/photographers will be invited to exhibit at the Preus Museum Photography Day – Corona edition on the 28th of August.
The jury will also select three winners that will receive a special prize in this very special year:
1st prize
- NOK 5 000
- Incorporation into the Preus Museum collection (the Preus Museum selects all or some of the photos entered in the exhibition)
- Gift card with the value of NOK 4 000 from
2nd prize
- NOK 3000
- Incorporation into the Preus Museum collection (the Preus Museum selects all or some of the photos entered in the exhibition)
- Gift card with the value of NOK 2 500 from
3rd prize
- NOK 1500
- Incorporation into the Preus Museum collection (the Preus Museum selects all or some of the photos entered in the exhibition)
- Gift card with the value of NOK 1 000 from
Extra prizes
- Gift card with the value of NOK 500 from